Sunday, August 10, 2014

Practicing Digital Printing That Is Eco Friendly

By Tanisha Berg

Making the world a better place is something everyone wants to do. One good way of doing this is by engaging in digital printing that is Eco friendly. One major cause of pollution to the environment is the occurrence of unnecessary waste from industries and factories. All processing plants which exist today pose a threat to the environment when they do not engage in Eco friendly processing activities.

Everything around us is going green. All industrial processes which take place in many parts of the world are being forced to become Eco friendly because of the adverse effects of pollution waste on the environment. In the printing world, going green means reducing on the amount of waste products which come from all the stages of printing. Previous print methods which have been in use in the past are known to be very unfriendly to the environment.

This has drastically changed with time as more and more sophisticated techniques have been introduced into the play ground. There are tons of ways to get ink on a certain medium and all of them have their pros and cons at the same time. The digital age comes with its good side and bad side too. The ability to print better quality products at a faster rate is something that is highly appreciated by printers from all over the world.

This age and time was characterized by time consuming industrial process such as the one above. Printers did not have a lot of options to choose from and they did their work with what they had in the best way they could. The main method back then was called offset printing which mainly used screen and heat presses to transfer ink on to a certain medium.

Printing has a wide range of applications which cannot be listed all at once. This art is used to pass messages and information from one person to another. Without this phenomenon, writing on paper using machines would not even be possible. This means that conveying information and facts from one person to another would be hectic and quite challenging.

Trees are being chopped down every day in various parts of the world for the sole purpose of being minted into rolls of paper. These rolls of paper are to be used for printing a wide range of things such as banners for advertisements, fliers, brochures, posters and so many other miscellaneous items. All of these products end up as waste material at the end of the day.

This brings about the need to be more thoughtful about the environment and nature at large. The preservation of our forest is among the most important activities that human beings should engage in. This is to prevent future disasters and catastrophes which cause devastation to the human race. Climate change and global warming are the adverse effects of not recycling print paper.

Forest cover is an important feature of nature which is to be preserved at all cost. The emphasis on efficient print methods that have minimal output of waste is necessary. The final result of this good initiative is a pollution free world which will not go through any form of global warming in the near future.

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