Friday, March 11, 2016

The Implementation Of Sustainable Digital Printing

By Richard Patterson

The trend in many industries all over the world is to switch to green technologies that not only conserve the environment but also contribute significantly to the reduction in operational costs. The printing industry is one of those that are undergoing radical changes. Traditionally, the methods that have been used in this process have had a detrimental effect on the environment and there have been sustained efforts to develop sustainable digital printing.

One of the areas in which major changes can be made is in the types of inks that are used. The conventional types contain chemicals that release pollutants known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds are created when the chemicals are exposed to nitrogen oxide and sunlight in the environment. A layer of ozone in the low atmosphere is formed. This layer is undesirable as it contributes to widespread smog formation.

The other area in which significant changes can be made is in the type of paper that is used. Increased use of virgin paper causes increased deforestation, a major contributing factor to global warming and climate change. Recycled paper, on the other hand, helps reduce wastage and hence the need to cut down more trees. During processing, there is production of less effluent when recycled paper is used as compared to virgin paper.

One area that is causing a lot of wastage is proof reading of manuscripts. In the modern era, it does not make any sense why anyone would invest so much in paper that may eventually end up as waste. Firms that have embraced modern communication techniques are realizing huge savings. The email, for instance, has made it possible to make changes on manuscripts easily without necessarily using paper.

The other raw materials can be similarly recycled or reused at various stages. Water is one of the inputs that are easiest to reuse. It has been established that with the right measures in place, one can recycle at least 65% of the water that is used. This is one way in which operation costs can be markedly reduced. The other raw materials that have been successfully recycled or reused include ink, aluminum plates and waste paper.

Energy efficiency should be a priority in a printing firm. Fossil fuels take a big part of the blame for global warming and this is the reason as to why there is a general trend to move away from these sources of energy in favor of more renewable sources. Wind and solar energy are, in particular, getting a very positive reception. When replacing old equipment, acquire new ones that will give you higher input for each kilowatt of electricity that you use.

The changes that are being undertaken in digital paper printing are also being replicated in fabric printing firms. One significant change that is being made with regard to the handling of fabrics is at the pretreatment stage. The conventional method employs the use of urea based compounds. When these compounds are broken down, they release urea as a byproduct. Urea is in turn broken down to release carbon dioxide. Alternatives to these compounds have been developed.

Adopting green energy solutions has widespread benefits both to the printing firm and the consumer. The cheaper costs of operation are usually passed on to the consumer who enjoys fair priced items. Most importantly, they both participate in environmental conservation.

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