Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tips For Living To Tell A Survivalist Story

By Diane Baker

Many people believe that it is just a matter of time before there is a massive and earth shattering event that will completely alter the way individuals live. It may be a worldwide economic collapse, a cataclysmic terrorist attack involving drinking water or a takeover of electric grids. They will argue that humans are systematically destroying their ability to inhabit the planet because of global warming. Whatever the event, there are things they believe are essential if you want to ensure your survivalist story is heard.

Emergency agencies recommend everyone be prepared in the case of a sudden event such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or major flooding. You should keep a good supply of flashlights, batteries, gallon jugs of fresh water, and cans of food where they will be accessible if you become trapped in your home without electricity or running water. This is fine for a week or so, but will not be enough for long term survival.

Most true survivalists avoid urban dwellings. They believe that in the face of a real cataclysmic event, this environment will become hostile to the people who live there. They will not have access to food or clean water. Metropolitan areas will quickly become active breeding grounds for rodents, disease, and violence.

Rural areas with plenty of natural vegetation and uncontaminated rivers and streams will be the only realistic safe havens. Certain parts of the country are more conducive to survival than others. Mountainous regions may be especially advantageous because they are natural sources of shelter, fresh water, and edible plants.

If you don't secure protection from the elements and some sort of nourishment, you won't last long in this environment. Some people build underground facilities complete with communications systems, natural water supplies, and indoor gardens. Others, who can't envision a world without sunlight, may opt for cave or cavern like abodes. They know their ancestors survived and thrived in similar circumstances.

You need to learn beforehand which plants are edible and which are not. Assuming the atmosphere has not been compromised, nuts, fruits and other types of vegetation may still be available to cultivate. Basic bows and arrows can be easily constructed from tree branches, vines, and stones. You should already have several good hunting knives before this happens to use for killing game and protection.

Those who have developed healthy diets, that they stick to, and exercise regularly will have a big advantage if something life changing happens. People who have put off starting an exercise regimen or pick up fast food for dinner instead of preparing nutritious meals are going find themselves with severe problems. It will be extremely difficult for them to adjust to a minimalist lifestyle.

Whether the survivalists' predictions come true or not, it is a good idea to be prepared in the case of an emergency. There may come a time when you have no one to depend on but yourself.

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