Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Impact Of Social On Writing, With Online Marketing Companies

By Arthur Williams

To say that social media has become a mainstay would be an understatement. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't be far-fetched to say that it has impacted the way that we write as well. While you might not think that this is true, online marketing companies across the board would argue differently. For those who are curious to learn about the effect that social media has on writing, here is some food for thought.

It seems like social media has changed the ways that we talk to others. Before MySpace and Facebook came into being, we would have to converse through other means, such as physical mail and phone calls. These days, all we have to do is log onto social media and we have several avenues of communication at our fingertips. While it can be argued that this has encouraged lax attitudes, a counterargument can be made by online marketing companies that it has helped the writing abilities of others.

If you'd like to know why social media is as regarded as it is, the ability to express oneself cannot be ignored. The likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have made it possible for us to create content, written or otherwise. When it comes to written content, as someone who browses social media, you can see the work that others have created. By recognizing the work in question, you can sharpen your writing ability, which might not have happened otherwise.

It's important to note that not everyone is a capable writer, though. What this means - and companies like fishbat will agree - is that it takes time to grasp the mechanics. You don't necessarily have to be a scholar to use social media, but an understanding of grammar, punctuating, and spelling goes a long way. Social media has made communication easier, but this doesn't mean that people should become lazy with their writing.

Keep in mind that social media affects the ability to write differently for people. While one person might not see much of a change in how they structure sentences and utilize grammar, others might be worse off. It's simply a matter of knowing what's appropriate for written pieces like essays and thesis papers, as opposed to what can fly on a Facebook feed. Writing and social media are linked together and few can say differently.

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