Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Issue With New Government Conspiracy Books

By Ann Reynolds

While there can often be a great deal of truth shared through reading and writing, there can also be number of falsehoods. As such, when reading government conspiracy books, it is important that individuals verify information before sharing with others. For, if not careful what one says related to government and officials can often land an individual into trouble, even if what shared or posted was merely hearsay.

In most cases, these books and stories leave it to readers to determine fact from fiction. While this is the case, it should be noted that in many cases those sharing the information in these publications are quite well known such is the case with Seymour M. Hersh and Jesse Ventura. Regardless, in most cases the objective is to attract readers, stir emotions and gain attention of the masses.

For, while many conspiracies are believable, not all are true. In fact, there have been very few theorists who have been able to prove a theory true over time. As such, it should be noted that these stories are just that, theories.

In addition, when someone intentionally buys a book with regards to these theories, one does so out of free will. Whereas, those later posting the information on social media often reach vulnerable individuals whom can often be impacted negatively when believing the information to be true. As such, it is often advised that those sharing information related to these theories include information as to the source when doing so.

Ventura, at one time, had a reality show based on various theories in which the former governor and wrestler went on location to prove various theories. While this is the case, there are still many whom doubt the findings, believing that the so-called proof was nothing less than magic or trickery in the programming.

Currently, some of the most interesting and timely conspiracies are those related to Donald Trump. For, while the U. S. President has support from some, there are others whom would like to see the president removed from office. As such, there are now a number of books related to theories related to what many believe to be rather odd behavior, discriminatory actions, history and lifestyle choices than others currently on the market.

Ultimately, there are nothing wrong with conspiracies or those whom promote the information through books and other publications. Although, it should be noted that those doing so often report having first hand experience which proves the story to be true. While this is the case, there are very few whom have been able to prove the stories true to others regardless of the media chosen in an attempt to do so.

Whether fact or fiction, most often these publications are released to create hysteria and intrigue among the masses. Whereas, there are those such as Jesse Ventura which work hard to prove and disprove theories based on attempting to prove the truth behind such theories. For example, Jesse had a show simply called "Conspiracy Theories, " on television in which many theories were proved as being either fact or nothing more than fiction on a regular basis.

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